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Registration form Dual Career Support
This is the registration form for Dual Career Support at the University of Groningen. DCS offers a broad scope of services to partners of newly recruited UG staff that have recently moved to Groningen for this purpose.
Note: If your partner has a contract with the UMCG, you can also register with us, to take part in our career workshops. But you will not be considered an internal candidate for vacancies of the UG.
Does the following apply to you?
- Are you the partner of an international who was recently recruited from abroad for a position at the UG, and have you moved to the Netherlands with them specifically for this purpose?
- Did your partner receive an onboarding package with the advice to register you as a DCS partner by HR-services or his/her HR-advisor?
- Have you lived in the Netherlands for less than two years?
You are eligible for DCS registration. Please continue with this registration form.
Unfortunately you cannot be registered for DCS. Please close this form.
If you are eligible for registration with DCS, what are your reasons for registering with us? (you can fill out as many boxes as you like)
To find employment
Learning Dutch
Career training
Information on how to build a social network
Membership of SPR to a reduced fee
Would you like to upload your CV here? (accompanying partner/spouse)
Your details (accompanying partner/spouse)
Your name (first and last)
E-mail address
Telephone number
Country of residence before moving to Groningen
Date of moving house/migration to Groningen
Details of the new staff member
at the University of Groningen.
Name (first and last) of your partner who works at the University of Groningen.
E-mail address
Personnel registration number (if already given). Known us also P-number.
Who is your partner's hr advisor?
1.Campus Fryslan
2.Center for Information Technology
3.Faculty of Arts
4.Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
5.Faculty of Economics and Business
6.Faculty of Law
7.Faculty of Medical Sciences
8.Faculty of Philosophy
9.Faculty of Science and Engineering
10.Faculty of Spatial Sciences
11.Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
12.University College Groningen
13.University of Groningen Library
14.University Services
15. UMCG
(Accepted) Position according the formal contract:
Academic Position: Full Professor
Academic Position: Associate Professor
Academic Position: Assistant Professor
Academic Position: Post Doc
Academic Position: PhD
(Intended) start date of the first employment contract at UG *
End date of current/future contract (dd/mm/yy). If it is a permanent contract, write: ‘tenured’)
Does your partner have a permanent (tenured) contract?
How did you hear about DCS?
via job posting
via HR advisor faculty
via onboarding package
via supervisor of my partner
The activities of Dual Career Support include free career training, mailings, individual support with job applications, information sessions.
I give consent to DCS to use my email address to inform me about the activities mentioned above.
I don't give consent to DCS to use my email address to inform me about the activities mentioned above.
The privacy policy and privacy statement of the UG can be found
Het privacybeleid en de privacyverklaring van de RUG vindt u
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