Change of courses before or during stay abroad: Students must always ask approval of the Board of Examiners for any changes in the previously approved study programme. When you would like to make changes to your initial choice of courses you will have to send a new Approval form Courses Abroad holding all courses (including the ones already approved) and the relevant course descriptions to the Board of Examiners, by filling in this form again.
► ► Note: when you would like to change your initial choice of courses, please add the course descriptions of your new courses to your request for approval to the Board of Examiners. *
Approval Board of Examiners: The Board of Examiners will use this Approval form and the course descriptions when making decisions with regard to the approval of your courses abroad. They will check whether the courses abroad fit well into the student’s study programme, so that the ECTS obtained abroad can count towards the degree in Groningen. Approval from the Board of Examiners is required not only for the transfer of study results, but also a prerequisite for students to receive an Erasmus grant, Marco Polo grant, or any other grant from the Faculty or University. It is the Board of Examiners determining the character of a course (law or non-law) based on the course descriptions.
► ► Note: any requests for exemptions must be made in advance, so before the start of your study period abroad. Language courses can be approved, but only extra-curricularly (so on top of the required 30 ECTS you have to take abroad). Please make sure you also read the information in the brochure “Law Exchange Programme”. *