Would you like to suggest a journal subscription or licence? Please contact one of our collection specialists.
Compulsory and recommended lecture literature is purchased by the UB based on information from Ocasys.
If you would like to prescribe an e-book for use during class, please contact one of the collection specialists. They can provide you with information about the possibilities.
Note: For questions about Ocasys itself, please contact your secretariat or the Ocasys coordinator.
You have selected 'Purchase Requests on behalf of your department'. If you want to submit purchase requests for your own research or college, choose 'Individual use' or 'Use during lectures'. |
For Tresoar, we always order a printed copy. |
For the Beursgebouw, we always order an e-book (if available without restrictions) plus 2 printed copies; if no e-book is available, we only order 2 printed copies.... |
The privacy policy and privacy statement of the UG can be found here |