Facturering voor externen
Indien u geen interne medewerker bent van de Rijksuniveristeit Groningen of het UMCG, bedragen de kosten voor het BKO-traject 2700 euro. Hieronder kunt u de factuurgegevens invullen, zodat het traject aan het einde gefactureerd kan worden. Mocht u niet van start kunnen met het BKO-traject, dan zal er geen factuur verzonden worden.
If you are not an employee of the University of Groningen or the UMCG, the course fee of the UTQ trajectory is 2700 EUR. Below you can fill out the invoice details: an invoice will be sent once the trajectory is finished. If after the intake meeting you decide not to start the UTQ trajectory, the course fee won't be billed.
Your own teaching experience
Your teacher training
UTQ Competences & Your Experience
In the UTQ we focus on four competences. Below you will find a short description of each competence. Please give us an overview of the tasks in which you were involved in the past 5 years (and if relevant: add information about the years before).
Your own UTQ programme
News updates
We would like to keep you informed on UTQ related matters, such as events, educational innovation projects, or interesting courses and workshops. To do so, we are sending out an informative newsletter two times per year. Please indicate if you would like to receive this update:
Extra information
The privacy policy and privacy statement of the UG can be found here.
Het privacybeleid en de privacyverklaring van de RUG vindt u hier. |